Prayer Blog

I found this over at Happy Catholic. I love this idea; Oramus is a whole site/blog dedicated to the fruitful purpose of praying. They even have a prayer for praying for strangers.
Scripture tells us to pray always and without ceasing. Check out the "News" link on the site to go to the blog portion. They say they will do occasional posting. I agree with Happy Catholic~ if all they ever do is post a reminder to pray, that would be plenty.
Prayer is one of the best things we can do for each other. It doesn't cost anything but a few minutes of our time. Besides you never know who is praying for you. Pay Oramus a visit.

While you are in prayer mode, please pray for this story I found over at CNA. Not every country is blessed to worship freely as we are (at least for right now).

Pray, hope and don't worry! ~Padre Pio
