Happy Birthday, America!

Prayer For Our Nation
Heavenly Father,
We humbly offer You this prayer on the birthday of our country.
You have blessed us with wealth, power and freedoms others do not have.
As a nation we have abused our freedoms and turned our gaze from You, our Father and Provider of every good gift, to ourselves.
We have traded true freedom for license.
In doing so, the very moral, ethical and economic fabric of this country is beginning to unravel.
Father, with You and through You all things are possible.
Hear the prayers of Your faithful. Do not give us what we deserve, but in Your great mercy reverse the destruction we have begun.
Soften the hearts of our leaders~that they may work toward defending life rather than destroy it. Help them, and all of us to see that without Your gift of life, no other freedom will matter.
Have mercy on our country. Accept the prayers and sacrifices of Your faithful as reparation for the ways we, as a nation, have offended You.
Grant us the grace to work together to defend and preserve all that our Founding Fathers fought to gain for us.
May we once again become one nation under You, our Great God, and may we show you our gratitude for Your every grace and blessing.
All of this we ask in the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord.
